Solaris Traveller

Essential Travel Blogging Video and Photography Equipment

In this post you will learn what you need as part of a travel blogging essential video and photography equipment kit.

It’s taken me some time to develop this essential list but now when I travel I take all these things with me.

This doesn’t only enable me to take great videos and photos but also gives me piece of mind that I will always have all I need on a trip.

I even created a short video for you to watch in case you don’t have the patience to read. I’ve also pasted images underneath the video of all the travel blogging essential video and photography equipment that I take with me on every trip.

Carrier Bags

The most important is to be organized and for that you need little bags to keep your stuff in. I’ve got several of these little bags you can see below, which I got from Lonely Planet.

They are full of stuff that I am unpacking in the video above. Hopefully these pictures below will also help you figure out what essential video and photography equipment you should to take on your next trip.

Travel Blogging Essential Video and Photography Equipment

Filming Essentials – My Travel Kit

Basically, in this pack I have my filming essentials. I’ve got my headset here and my external hard drive’s cables, I also have another cable for my iPhone charger and another to charge my external power bank.

There is also a portable microphone which I hold in a little baggy with the windshield on it plus my iphone headset.

Smarthphone Microphone
Iphone Charger Cable
The Hard Drive Cable
External Power Bank Charger Cable
Iphone Headset
Cigar Compartment Plug-in Car USB

When I rent a car this handy plug is very useful: I normally plug it into a car when I am in a rental to have an extra USB outlet.

Here is a little tip: most rental cars only have one USB outlet so taking these is very helpful when you need to charge two things at once.

Other Essential Equipment

I always have a pen to take notes or to communicate with people that only speak a different language.

The Pen

I also always have a European charger, a UK charger and an extra plug that can convert to multiple country’s outlets.

The UK Phone Charger
The EU Charger

Extending Your Iphone Memory

One of my favourite little essential travel blogging equipment is this little external USB drive below which you can plug into your iPhone. This provides you with an extra 256 gigabytes of memory which is very helpful because I always run out of memory.

The iPhone Memory Extender

Tip: when you buy it new it is best to format it because sometimes an update on your iPhone invalidates the driver on the external drive.

Various Lenses

This below is like an attachable sort of lens that you can put on your iPhone or any phone on the camera and then it will shoot in a bit wider angle.

Clip-on iPhone Lense

Flexible Smartphone Tripod

I now carry a tripod everywhere to shoot videos of myself or if I want to talk to the camera. My tripod is a special bendy leg tripod so I can hang it on anything, even a tree branch.

Flexible Smarthphone Tripod

Cutting Tools

Having a small vanity kit comes in handy many times. It can be useful not only when you need it for cutting your nails or stuff like that. If you ever get a problem with your skin or whatever you can just use the scissors to cut and the clippers to clip – obviously!

The Nail Clippers and Cutting Tools

Then, I also carry a black electric tape that you can put on your camera or microphone or just about anything to hide things. I quite like it as it comes in handy many times.

The Black Tape

Tools to Help You Sleep

I always carry an eye mask because if I ever need to sleep on the train or in a youth hostel it comes in handy if someone keeps turning the light on. It is also very useful to have a couple of earplugs for obvious reasons.

The Eye Mask

Business Cards

Carrying a business card holder is probably one of the most essential parts of any travel blogging kits: you need to use it to network. It is quite important even if you travel on holiday or whenever to have a card because you never know whatever is going to happen or who you are going to meet on your next trip.

The Business Cards

Power Bank and External Hard Drive

This is my special power bank and external hard drive. I’ve got this nice little carrier bag for it so it protects them both. The hard drive it 500 gigabytes and the power bank is a solar power bank – it can charge my iPhone three or four times in one go. The best is that if I run out of battery I can just turn it around and it will charge itself.

The External Hard Drive and Power Bank
The iPhone Plugged into the Power Bank

Bum Bag

I also have always have a bum bag where I can easily put things and conveniently store them during my walks. It’s quite useful when you are travelling because you can just shove your mobile phone and valet in there and then you can just put it around your waist and go.

I also have another bum bag – it is a secret one. You normally put it under your jumper when you go to bed at night in a youth hostel. You’ve got your money in here, your valet, your wifi modem and things like that which you don’t want people to steal.

A Small Rucksack

The Bum Bag

Finally, I also have a small rucksack, which I normally hold in my bigger rucksack. When I go for a walk I just shove all these things in there so it is easy to carry them around and I can find everything in one place.

So these are the essential things that I would recommend carrying – obviously you can see there are quite a lot of things in my rucksack but you can’t really live without them if you are a blogger, vlogger or anything in between.

I would say the most important thing is to have this smaller rucksack because then you can put all your important things in there and if you are on a train then you just grab the smaller rucksack and go to the loo or the bar or whatever.

Well, enjoy your trip and I hope I’ve helped a little bit to make up your mind in terms of what to take.